bEAching ~ borders and mounds

Yesterday was a wonderful gardening day, sunny and dry and not too hot.

I switched between the cooler shaded stream or burn border and the trellis border.  Neither are finished, nothing in this garden ever resembles a finished state, but as they say – ‘tomorrow is another day’.The stream border is on the northern side of the cottage.  Edged with pine trees, rosa rugosa and the Fatsia which needs pruning, it has become a bit leggy but keeps the border cool and shady and protected from any strong inland winds.  The buds on the rosa rugosa and hydrangea in the border are only just starting to unfold as they too were quite leggy and I cut them back quite hard this year.Meanwhile in the trellis border on the seaside of the cottage the plants I put in last year………have now been un-netted so I can weed inside (no doubt watched over by the bunnies on the hill pondering on their next juicy meal) and I am in the process of removing the stones edging the border for easier grass cutting.

It is slow work.  And a long border.Around the garden, especially in the lower wood and woodland walk,  things are stirring and beginning to flower. Solomon’s Seal

Dicentras and Tiarellaand apple blossom.

The sea yesterday was a beautiful indigo blue – such a contrast to the silvery grey earlier in the week.  I woke up this morning so late, it was a quarter to ten when I finally got up – I think I had gardened myself into a standstill yesterday so we decided a day doing very little was in order.

A long shower, the last of the tomato soup and then a little afternoon jaunt in the surrounding countryside.  Our only fixed point was to go back to Dunragit a few miles outside of Stranraer to see the ‘mound’. The Mound of Droughduil was identified only a few years ago by archaeologists from Manchester University as Neolithic dating back to 2500BC and not Medieval as originally thought.  In stone age times it was a ceremonial centre and meeting place for the local community.  We went to take a closer look today as it is magnificently covered in Bluebells.  We climbed up to the top –it stands some 30 feet high and is quite flat on the top – a lovely place to picnic maybe – just a touch draughty;  the summit being reached by a tiny trail path through the grass and bluebells.  Strange to think how many feet through the ages have trodden on this very turf.  Although not quite the dizzy heights of the Eifel Tower the view from the top is still worth the climb. Going down seemed much steeper than going up. Afterwards we took the road up to New Luce –  but that is a story for tomorrow.  For now it is my bedtime, DH is already tucked up in bed – I can hear the gentle wafts of snoring coming from the bedroom – no doubt I will be back in the borders tomorrow. x

16 Replies to “bEAching ~ borders and mounds”

  1. Right. I’m inviting myself to your place. Sorry. But it is so nice and you make it sound so inviting. Sorry. But there you have it.

    See you in 2021.


  2. Completely agree with Lucinda. Your writing and descriptions are positively lyrical. Thanks for sharing your country life.


  3. Your garden looks so inviting and beautiful. We had a huge Fatsia in our garden when I was a child – not that I knew what it was called then, I was just fascinated by the leaves.

    No doubt you’ve explained this in the past, but as a fairly new reader can I ask why the EA in capital letters?


    1. We have another Fatsia on the South side much more sheltered too. The birds nest in it. That too needs constant pruning as it grows like mad.
      The EA….well when I had chosen my category titles I just happen to notice they all had the letters EA in them – you can see from my categories in the side bar. I have wondered myself why I am particularly drawn to these words with these letters in – so really it is just an artful play on the words – sorry no more than that. Other mystified readers have put forward suggestions as to what the EA might stand for – maybe I should run a competition!


    1. Thank you Jean – if you like neat and tidy then this is not the garden and never will be, it has a wild beauty which I rather like. The main reason I do a lot of weeding is to try and limit the taking over and smothering of our ‘planted’ plants by the abundance of wild flowers. They look lovely living side by side but given half a chance the wild ones would just take over and nice as they are I do like room for other things.


  4. A garden, like nature, is always on the move. The trick is to follow closely on its heels, I think. Though I have never won that particular race. Then again, nature is indefatigable. We aren’t! I certainly don’t have a garden anywhere near as lovely as yours.


    1. We can get round our garden in Yorkshire in a day or two getting weeds out and doing a bit of pruning but here in Scotland we have been at it for 15 years and we still feel like we are firefighting! I am sure your garden is lovely.


  5. It sounds as if you are having a lovely time at the cottage/caravan Viv and your garden is looking super. I too am tiring myself out in the garden – but enjoying it too! A hot bath tonight I think, with luck the owls will be hooting – love it.


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